Shout A Guardian!

Shout A Guardian!
12 October 2024
6 p.m.

We are excited and looking forward to hanging out together on Saturday, October 12th, 2024 during PAX weekend for">span> (click to buy tickets). We are also very aware that many friends both in Australia and overseas cannot physically attend - so we created this mini-event for you!

Do you know someone who is attending GHOST Melbourne this year? Perhaps it is your friend, family, favourite streamer or a content creator you admire? Or maybe someone you game with is attending! Whether you are coming to GHOST Melbourne 2024 or not, now is your chance to get involved.

There are 2 options:

  • $20 Shout: Buy a drink for someone attending GHOST!
  • $50 Shout: Buy a drink for someone AND write a personal message to them. Our MCs will stop everyone on the night to read out your message in front of everyone!

NOTE: After purchasing, stay on the page and fill out the form with details for who you are shouting drinks for!

There is also an incentive for those who are attending GHOST Melbourne! For every drink someone buys you, you receive 1 point. For every drink + personal message, you receive 3 points.

There are prizes for the Top 3 attendees who accumulate the most points. The ultimate winner will receive a bespoke trophy created by KimberPrime - which also turns into a coaster - as well as a one-of-a-kind Skimmer created by Sevs. These items are being custom-created for GHOST Melbourne 2024 and cannot be found anywhere else!

GHOST will release an update each week with the Top 10 attendees and their points on Twitter (X).

Disclaimer: GHOST will be providing drink vouchers in reasonable increments to attendees. These drink vouchers can be exchanged at the bar for alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Attendees are not required to use drink vouchers given to them. Attendees may not sell drink vouchers to other attendees, but may share them if they choose to do so. There is NO obligation for attendees to use drink vouchers to consume any beverages if they do not wish to. The bar staff have the right to refuse service to any attendees who are intoxicated or disorderly as per Victorian legislation. Drink vouchers are only valid for use at the rooftop bar at The Duke during the event.


Price AUD 22.49 - 54.26
update information
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