Re-assemble Art Education Conference 2024

Re-assemble Art Education Conference 2024
12 July 2024
9 a.m.

Art Education Victoria is proud to present our annual

Re-assemble Art Education Conference

The theme for this years conference is:
Creative Journeys: Fostering Identity and Belonging
Harnessing the power of art to explore identity, celebrate diversity and build connected communities.

In partnership with RMIT University School of Art, this event will take place at RMIT's city campus.


THUR 11 JULY - Pre-conference program
Curator Talk by Danielle Whitfield - hosted by NGV International
Time: 2pm - 4pm
Location: National Gallery of Victoria International

This landmark exhibition includes the photographic work of our Re-assemble keynote presenter, Atong Atem, and celebrates the creativity, ingenuity, and global impact of contemporary African fashions from the mid-twentieth century to the present day. Featuring over 200 works – spanning fashion, textiles, adornment, photography, music, and film – the exhibition illuminates a thriving fashion scene as dynamic and varied as the continent itself.

Developed by the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, and presented in partnership with the NGV, Africa Fashion is the largest exhibition of fashions from this region in an Australian art institution. More than 50 designers and artists from 20 African countries are represented. Africa Fashion presents a unique opportunity to begin exploring the conference theme of Creative Journeys: Fostering Identity and Belonging.

The program will begin with a curatorial introduction to the exhibition by Danielle Whitfield, Curator, Fashion and Textiles, NGV, and a brief introduction to the learning programs. An offer to attend the Africa Fashion exhibition at a discounted rate is available

The Curators talk is free and presented by the National Gallery of Victoria exclusively for teachers attending the Re-assemble Conference.

There is an additional cost to attend the Africa Fashion exhibition and a discount ticket offer of $20 is available to Conference attendees via the add-on option when you book your conference ticket. Capacity limits apply.

FRI 12 JULY - Conference day at RMIT University

Join us for an inspiring keynote presentation by the renowned South Sudanese artist and writer, Atong Atem, as we delve into the transformative power of art in exploring identity, celebrating diversity, and building connected communities.

Atong Atem, an Ethiopian-born, South Sudanese artist living in Narrm, has captivated audiences with her unique approach to portraiture and photography. Her work transcends conventional frameworks, offering a fantastical lens through which to view the world. Atem’s exploration of migrant narratives and postcolonial practices within the African diaspora offers profound insights into the relationship between public and private spaces, and the concepts of home and identity. Her art has been showcased across Australia in prestigious institutions such as the National Gallery of Victoria and the Art Gallery of New South Wales, as well as internationally at venues including Tate Modern and Photo London 2023.

In her keynote, Atong Atem will align her artistic practice with the conference theme, Creative Journeys: Fostering Identity and Belonging, by addressing the following key themes:

Fluidity of Identity:

Atem will explore how her work challenges static notions of identity, demonstrating the power of art to reflect and embrace fluid and evolving personal narratives.

Representation and Diversity:

Through her compelling photographic and video works, Atem will discuss the critical role of art in representing diverse identities and amplifying marginalised voices, both within educational settings and in the broader cultural landscape.

Self-Reflection and Empowerment:

Atem will share her insights on empowering students to use art as a medium for self-reflection and personal empowerment, fostering a sense of agency and self-awareness through creative expression.

Featuring Artist run Creative Workshops:

  • Projection Light and Optics -
  • Ceramic">li>
  • Ceramic Slip Casting -
  • Animation">li>
  • Animation -
  • Artist">li>
  • Artist books -
  • Photography">li>
  • Photography -
  • Sculptural">li>
  • Sculptural Relief - ?hl=en
  • Cameraless">li>
  • Cameraless Experimental Image: PrintMaking -
  • Painting">li>
  • Painting -
  • Speculative">li>
  • Speculative Design Pedagogy - &">span>& Peter Murphy

">span> aspires to elevate your skills as Art Educators to inspire you, connect you with peers and empower you in the art-room to enhance student learning.



Payment Terms: Please note all personal payments must be made up front with a credit card at the time of booking.

Purchase orders are accepted from schools/organisations paying for teacher/employee professional development. Please ensure payments are received prior to the event date.

$450 - General Admission/ Non-Member

$350 - ArtEdVic Member

$327 - ArtEdVic Member Concession
(Only for Pre-Service Teacher/Tertiary Student/CRT/Regional Members)

  • Please ensure your ArtEdVic Membership is current by logging in to your account online or please feel welcome to email us at [email protected]. If your membership is not active, we will ask you to renew before the conference.

  • You are welcome to first join as an ArtEdVic Member to receive the discounted Member ticket price and enjoy the benefits of membership and being part of our community beyond the conference. Visit this link now to join ArtEdVic



Please visit our website for further


Price AUD 327.00 - 450.00
update information

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