2024 Peter Mac Breast Cancer Medical Oncology Education Day

2024 Peter Mac Breast Cancer Medical Oncology Education Day
11 October 2024
10:30 a.m.

The Peter Mac Breast Cancer Medical Oncology Education Day is targeted to medical professionals, trainees & allied health professionals that would like to learn about the latest medical oncology updates in breast cancer treatment. Consumers are also welcomed to attend.

Come and listen to internationally renowned breast experts give the latest treatment updates and their perspectives! Questions welcome! All proceeds from ticket sales will go towards our breast cancer research program at Peter Mac.

Note: This event is eligible for Continuous Profession Development (CPD) hours with RACP. This event will be recorded but the recording will only be made available to Peter Mac staff.

Image by Dr Maja Divjak, Biomedical Animator, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

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