The members-only dinner allows all our Uncommon Experiences members to talk about their biggest challenges and opportunities. To build on the initial trust created, continue to deepen friendships and find additional ways to support each other.
To further enhance this we will be providing a facilitated "abundance circle" where we will provide everyone with an opportunity to both Give and Contribute using both human and social capital.
Human Capital- Your knowledge, skills, strengths, and experience are formed by investment in education and training.
Social Capital - The interpersonal network formed by relationship investment that can be a resource for others.
T his powerful exercise will help us all by creating a sizable network effect. Connecting everyone to create greater leverage into the markets we all operate in.
Benefits of participation include:
We created Uncommon Experiences because we dislike networking but love connecting. Talking to interesting people who are interested in us. If we couldn't find this then others must be having the same issue.
We eliminated everything people dislike about conventional networking to make an intimate, highly curated invitation-only experience and community. Complete with a connection framework designed to accelerate the building of relationships and mutual understanding without being “sold to.” This is Un-Networking.
It’s Common Sense yet almost every other networking event doesn’t understand the audience attending. Who they are as a person or what’s most important to them. People want to work with those that they like, and to like someone you must know them. The stronger the relationship the more connected you are. The more connected you become the longer business relations will last. We understand you are more than what you and celebrate and showcase this. We don’t guarantee leads we enhance relationships.
Our promise is that each Uncommon Experience you attend you will leave us more inspired energised, connected, and motivated than when you walked in.
*When was the last event you attended that offered this kind of promise?
Can Anyone Attend this Dinner?
NO - The dinner is for Uncommon Experiences members only.
Got Questions?
Please contact:
- / 0419 432 062
Yani - / 038 323 0340