I Love You, Faustus

7 October 2024
5:30 p.m.
Faustus has one more chance to tell her story - a last ditch performance of Christopher Marlowe's tragedy, Doctor Faustus.

Unfortunately, her companion, Mephistopheles, has no intention of following the script. In fact, Mephistopheles seems to believe that the text could still change - that a happy ending is possible. As climate catastrophe drives the world - and Faustus' production - closer and closer to the point of collapse, the pair reminisce, rehearse, and argue viciously, circling the unspoken desires that have governed their relationship for centuries.

Darkly funny and quietly tender, I Love You, Faustus is an anarchic, queer, metatheatrical transformation of Marlowe's original exploration of man's hunger for power. From Unspooled Theatre Collective (HAML3T, ante/medea, MARRIAGE!), this thrilling new work examines the lingering ties between the Renaissance and modernity, urgency and hopelessness, and hatred, love, and desire.

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