Equity Mates Live

Equity Mates Live
10 July 2024
6:30 p.m.

Equity Mates Live

We’re pumped to be coming to Melbourne for a classic night of Equity Mates Live. We’ll be turning on the mics to record a live podcast, and to give you the chance to get involved!

What can I expect?

News & views: We’ll be covering the latest news and market headlines; unpacking the big stories and discussing how it relates to our own investing.

Pimp My Portfolio: For the FIRST TIME EVER, join us for a LIVE Pimp My Portfolio segment. We’ll be putting it all on the line, revealing our portfolios LIVE with the one and only, Luke Laretive.

Ask An Advisor: Dylan, from Bold Wealth - one of our trusted advisors - will be joining us, so you can ask all of your money and investing questions - be it related to housing, superannuation, investing strategies or budgeting, we’ll cover it all.

After the recording, join us for some beers.

Don’t miss this exclusive event where you’ll get expert tips, live analysis, and a chance to ask your burning questions! Secure your spot now! Our Sydney event sold out fast. We can’t wait!


Date: July10th

Venue: span> class="link sourcelink outlink" data-link="">span> 120 Exhibition Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000

Time: 6:30 doors open, 7pm kick off

Ticket: $30 (inclusive of fees) - includes welcome drinks

A Big thanks to ">span> for making this event possible.

Experts on the night: Luke Laretive, Seneca Financial Solutions | Dylan Pargiter-Green, Bold Wealth

Price AUD 30.00
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