Diesel Mark Denis Lizotte, known professionally as Diesel, is an illustrious figure in the Australian music industry. Born on 31 May 1966, the singer-songwriter and guitarist has been creating remarkable music since his early teens. He has emerged as an influential player in the rock-pop genre, captivating fans with his distinctive music that blends elements of rock, pop, and blues.
Diesel was born in Massachusetts, USA, but his family moved to Australia when he was young. His passion for music was evident from an early age.
Get ready for Andina Fest the ultimate Latin summer music festival Experience the vibrant rhythms of Latin music with two-time Latin Grammy Winners, Monsieur Periné Colombia. With Australian Latin Bands, …
Much more than an ordinary tribute band, Start Making Sense expertly recreate the spectacle of a Talking Heads concert the constant motion, dancing, including all the David Byrne mannerisms and …