Don't miss this engaging symposium to hear the latest in practice and research on Appropriate Dispute Resolution (ADR) and how it can assist Autistic People to have improved access to justice. There is a limited capacity of attendees for the in-person event. Reserve your spot today by registering.
Join us for an engaging discussion with members of the international research community, ADR practitioners, intermediaries, staff from the Dept of Justice & Community Safety and the Human Rights Commission, Autistic persons and the general public, as we shine a light on better access to justice for Autistic people in Appropriate Dispute Resolution (ADR). This event brings together leading practitioners and academics locally and from abroad, to discuss the latest practices and research in ADR and how ADR processes can be adjusted to better support Autistic people, delivering greater access to justice. You’ll have the opportunity to listen to speakers and interact directly with them, as each session is followed by a Q&A segment. You are welcome to come to any or all of the sessions that interest you.