Women's drum circle in West London

Women's drum circle in West London
8 October 2024
7:30 p.m.

The purpose of the circle is to provide a nurturing safe space where women of all ages, cultural backgrounds and stages of life can feel welcome, heard and empowered to connect, be themselves and feel supported. It is a time just for you, to tune into yourself, listen to your inner voice and share if you wish. A big piece of the evening is drumming together (I provide shamanic drums). I like to make the circle simple and authentic, a sacred space where respect and support are key.

I am deeply passionate about working with women who are seeking more fulfilment, joy and connection in their life, to enable them to have the confidence to be authentic, speak about their feelings and step into their own greatness. The beauty of these circles is that you are witnessed and you witness others. Most often than not you will be able to feel part of the human community, and that you are not alone on your journey!!

Join us to connect with other women, feell the magic of the drums, have a safe space to express yourself freely and ignite your spark to find your true authentic self (yes yes, the drums can do so many things for you!!!!).

Circles can include sharing times, meditation, gentle body movements, singing, and of course drumming...We all drum in an intitive manner so there is no need to have any "practice" before! And it's not a workshop on how to drum... because you already know how to do it!!!


Now onto the logistical aspects......

Please bring a yoga mat, a cushion and a blanket so you are warm and comfortable for the shamanic journey at the end. If you have a drum or a rattle feel free to bring them! Let me know if you are bringing your own drum (all types of drums are welcome) so that I can open more spaces for people without a drum....I have only 6 to 8 drums to lend. You can also bring something for the altar which you take back afterwards.

Nibbles and hot drinks will be provided. You can also bring food to share if you wish, we often have an informal gathering at the end for those who want to stay and just have a chat and a cuppa!

Please note that these circles are not designed for therapy or trauma release.

I really want to welcome everyone, and have put a price scale in place (£15-25). Please be honest about what you can afford before choosing which ticket you purchase. The higher priced ones are enabling people on lower income to come as well, so if you can be generous you are helping other women! Many thanks!

Price £ 16.96 - 27.80
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