The Voices of Nature | How and Why Animals Communicate

The Voices of Nature | How and Why Animals Communicate

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Many animals communicate through sound, but what do they say to each other? Through recordings and experiments, carried out in some of the most remote places on our planet, researchers in bioacoustics are exploring animal sound signals. In his talk, Nicolas Mathevon will explore the diversity of these worlds, from the cries of young crocodiles and human babies to the sonic fights of elephant seals. He will unravel the information conveyed by animal vocalizations and highlight the complexity of their communications, shedding new light on the origins of our own language.

nicolas-mathevon">span> is Distinguished Professor and Director of the ENES Bioacoustics Research Lab at the University of Saint-Etienne, Senior Member of the Institut universitaire de France, Associate Research Director at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, and Member of Academia Europaea.

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