Menopause/Perimenopause and Dementia

Menopause/Perimenopause and Dementia
12 October 2024
10 a.m.

Two NEW Powerful Live Talks on

Menopause/ Perimenopause and Dementia

Join Dr. Marilyn Glenville, PhD for TWO groundbreaking talks on menopause/perimenopause and dementia…

…and discover the NEW shocking connection to hearing loss…

… plus little-known natural solutions you can start using TODAY!

Researchers made a startling discovery.

It has enormous implications for both menopause and dementia.

'At these talks' you will discover what this research means for you and your loved ones, as well as practical, natural solutions you can use today.

These insights are so important that Dr. Marilyn Glenville is partnering with a professional audiologist, from the UK’s leading hearing specialist, Hidden Hearing, to present them to you directly.

And all in a simple, straightforward presentation without fancy jargon from the UK’s preeminent nutritionist.

Join for just one talk or stay for the whole day!

It’s all happening on Saturday October 12th at Copthorne Tara Hotel in London!

Places are VERY LIMITED, so be sure to order your tickets early.

Morning Talk: 10:00am to 12:30pm

Breaking Research

Natural Solutions for Menopause, Perimenopause, and Prevention of Osteoporosis

Worried about the symptoms of the menopause or perimenopause?

Concerned about the side effects of HRT and whether it’s safe for you or not?

Want to know how to prevent and treat osteoporosis naturally?

.......and what does all this have to do with hearing loss?

Join Dr Marilyn Glenville, PhD, the UK’s leading nutritionist specialising in women’s health, for this groundbreaking and inspiring talk on what nobody tells you about perimenopause and menopause.

She will be joined by an audiologist from Hidden Hearing, to help you understand the latest research on the surprising connections between menopause, osteoporosis, and hearing loss.

The truth is going through menopause doesn’t mean you have to endure night sweats that leave you drenched, uncomfortable, and exhausted.

You don’t have to suffer with hot flushes, night sweats, ageing skin, joint pains, loss of concentration, brain fog, vaginal dryness, anxiety and insomnia.

Your sex life doesn’t have to come grinding to a halt, and you don’t have to worry about bursting into tears or riding a rollercoaster of emotions.

Here's a quick glimpse into what Dr. Glenville will cover:

  • What happens to your hormones at menopause and the little-known truths of perimenopause and how it starts much earlier than you might think.
  • Why some of your symptoms may not be related to menopause at all.
  • Get a balanced view of the pros and cons of HRT, including the latest on bioidentical hormones.
  • Learn what phytoestrogens are and which ones to embrace or avoid, especially if you’re on HRT or have conditions like fibroids or endometriosis.
  • Discover the vitamins, minerals and herbs that doctors rarely mention but can help combat mood swings, anxiety, brain fog, and hot flushes.

Come to this talk and discover how you can coast through a symptom-free menopause and enjoy a long, full, happy, and healthy life beyond it.


Afternoon Talk: 2:00pm to 4:30pm

Natural Solutions for Dementia and Alzheimer’s and the cutting edge connection to Hearing Loss:

Your 7-Step Brain Protection Plan To Naturally Improve Memory For You And Your Loved Ones At Any Age

Have you been experiencing ‘brain fog’? Do you ever walk into a room and can’t remember why? Maybe you re-read a paragraph because you don’t recall what you just read minutes ago?

Or perhaps you’ve noticed these changes in a loved one?

Dementia is one of the most frightening and agonising diagnoses you and your family can face. It is the number 1 cause of death for women and number 3 for men.

Also, researchers discovered a shocking connection between hearing loss and dementia. In fact, a recent report published by the Lancet Commission shows that hearing loss is the largest modifiable factor that may minimise your risk of dementia.

Fortunately, getting your hearing tested and wearing hearing aids when a loss is identified has been shown to protect against cognitive decline.

Here's a quick glimpse into what Dr. Glenville will cover:

  • The ONE diet proven to reduce risk of Alzheimer’s by 53% and a simple, daily routine that detoxes the toxic plaques that cause Alzheimer’s.
  • 4 critical nutrients your brain must have for a sharp memory at any age.
  • How the hidden connection between your gut and Alzheimer’s could save your memory.
  • The 4 tests you need to help stop dementia before it starts (if you think you are at risk, these are a MUST).
  • Small, practical lifestyle shifts that can improve your brain’s information processing by 150%!

Come and join Dr Glenville, author of the internationally best-selling book Natural Solutions to Dementia and Alzheimer’s, for this cutting edge presentation on the connection between dementia, hearing loss and proven, natural solutions you can use today. She will be joined by audiologist Richard Mason BSc (Hons), HCPC registered, BSHAA from Hidden Hearing, to help you understand this important link and how you can put it to use in your life.

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s or is experiencing memory loss, this talk will give you all the tools you need to provide them with the best support.

You will discover exactly how you can improve your memory and brain health and reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia with Dr Glenville’s 7-step brain protection plan.


Dr Glenville is delighted to be joined for both of these talks by an expert audiologist from Hidden Hearing, the UK’s largest high-street hearing specialist with over 50 years’ experience dedicated to personalised hearing healthcare and a national network of over 320 test centres across the UK.

Spaces Are Very Limited

Order Your Ticket Now

🎟️ Morning or Afternoon Talk - Normal Price: £47. Early Bird Price Just £37 - Saving £10. (ends midnight, Sunday September 15th)
🎟️ Whole Day - Normal Price: £77. Early Bird Price Just £57 - Saving £20.(ends midnight, Sunday September 15th)

Early Bird Booking Bonuses:

  • Book your ticket before Sunday, September 15th and benefit from a £15 savings voucher against any NHP supplement purchases on the day. Or a £25 savings voucher if attending both talks
  • Automatic entry into a special prize draw

1st Prize: A nutritional consultation with Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD worth £497

2nd Prize: A standard Menopause or Dementia supplement programme up to the value of £100

3rd Prize: Any of NHP supplements up to the value of £50

Book Now While There's Still Time

Price £ 47.00 - 77.00
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