London Conference - Historic Landscape Assembly

London Conference - Historic Landscape Assembly
3 April 2025
9:30 a.m.

Historic Parks and Gardens in the UK Planning Systems

The place of historic parks and gardens in the planning system is at a turning point. The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 offered them greater protection than ever before, but, whilst last year’s review of statutory consultees shone a light on the value of the Gardens Trust’s unique work, a recent announcement suggests that the Gardens Trust may soon lose its statutory consultee status, and that its ability to ensure that historic parks and gardens are a positive part of our shared future will be significantly diminished. Nevertheless, the Gardens Trust stands ready to respond to developing challenges and opportunities.

Historic parks and gardens are crucial not only as a key part of our national cultural story, for which the UK is famed internationally, but also for the health and wellbeing benefits they bring to people from all backgrounds, and the pivotal role they have to play in climate emergency mitigation. It is critical that the planning system is able to protect them whilst delivering necessary development.

Join us at the Gardens Trust’s annual Historic Landscapes Assembly on Thursday 3rd April 2025 to share ideas with sector leaders and experts on this important and timely topic.



9.30-10am Registration: With tea and coffee

10-10.05am Welcome is given by John Watkins, the Gardens Trust Acting Chair

10.05-10-30am What the Gardens Trust brings to the planning system : Opening Remarks: Deborah Evans, Gardens Trust Conservation Committee Chair

10.30-11.15am Planning and the Protection of Historic Parks and Gardens: Victoria Thomson, Gardens Trust Trustee

11.15-12pm What the Planning Provisions Mean in Practice: Clarity and Opportunity: Beth Harries, Solicitor, Historic England

12-12.30pm Does the Planning System Work for Historic Parks and Gardens? Panel Discussion: Paul Rabbitts (Parks Management Association), Bettina Kirkham (Berkshire Gardens Trust), Beth Harries (Historic England), Deborah Evans (Gardens Trust). Chaired by John Watkins

12.30-1pm Questions

1-2pm Lunch: A buffet lunch is included, with a slideshow celebrating 40 years of the Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest.

2-2.30pm Case Studies from the Gardens Trust’s Statutory Consultee Workload: Daniel Bowles, Gardens Trust Conservation team

2.30-3.00pm What about Non-Nationally-Designated Sites?: Bettina Kirkham, Berkshire Gardens Trust

3.00-3.30pm Tea break

3.30-4pm Evolution of the Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest: Jenifer White, Gardens Trust Conservation Committee

4-4.30 Questions and Closing remarks


This ticket is for the ONSITE Conference at Cowcross Street. Refreshments and a buffet lunch are included in your ticket. A recording of the event will be made available to attendees for a week afterwards.


Gardens Trust members £34.

County Gardens Trusts members £44.

Non-Members £80 (early bird offer £64 until 3rd March).

Special Offer - new GT membership and ticket £75 (early bird offer £70 until 3rd March) Please email if you book this option.

Ticket sales close 27th March.

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We would be grateful if you could answer some optional questions (which will appear at checkout) as this information helps us to understand our audience. Thank you.

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This Conference will also be held online via Zoom and you can purchase the ticket, which includes a recording available for a week. Prices from £15

Please note, this event is intended primarily to be in-person so for the best possible experience we urge you to make the journey to benefit fully from the discussions and networking. However, we are keen to make attendance as achievable as possible, so are offering an online option too. Please be aware that hybrid always brings an element of risk with the technology, so we have reflected this in the pricing. We recommend you attend in-person if at all possible.


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