It's a gas (Theatre)

It's a gas (Theatre)
11 July 2024
7 p.m.



Join former Christmas Lecturer Mark Miodownik as he unravels the mysteries of invisible, odourless gases through captivating scientific storytelling. He takes us back to the exhilarating and often perilous moments in history when scientists deciphered these substances, often, like the Ri's Humphry Davy, through experimenting on themselves.

Gases, each with its unique personality, power our engines, make drinks fizzy, and even influence neural pathways and plant growth. Mark delves into nitrous oxide's impact on our brains and the gases shaping our climate. This talk is a fact-filled delight, offering a fascinating journey through the significant roles of gases in our modern world.

Join Mark on an exploration that transforms the seemingly ordinary into an extraordinary revelation.

Copies of Mark's new publication, 'RD4Z18r,">em> will be on sale at this talk.

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And as we're always trying to understand more about you our audiences at the Ri, you'll notice we've introduced some optional questions when booking tickets. Please do take a moment to fill them in if you have the time.

Event image by Gelatin via Pexels

Price £ 7.90 - 21.44
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