Findings from the latest Health Survey for England (HSE)

Findings from the latest Health Survey for England (HSE)
7 January 2025
2 p.m.

The HSE is an annual survey of a nationally-representative sample of the general population living in private homes in England. Each year, the survey has a new sample and a different focus in addition to the core elements. The afternoon will start by explaining how HSE data collection has returned to face-to-face interviewing following the COVID-19 pandemic. Findings from the latest HSE 2022 will be presented which include the topics Adult and Child Obesity, Adult and Child Health Behaviours, biological assessments of Adult Health including Chronic Kidney Disease last reported on in HSE 2016. In the second half of the seminar, we will hear novel findings from other researchers using the HSE.

Note: This event can also be viewed online. A zoom link will be sent to all who register closer to time.

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