Designing the James Webb Space Telescope

Designing the James Webb Space Telescope
19 October 2024
7 p.m.

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has now been capturing glimpses of our Universe for three and a half years. But as the largest telescope in space, the design and development of JWST was no small feat. Join Astrophysics Division Director at NASA Mark Clampin as he discusses his own experiences in the design of the JWST, and how these design elements led to some of the ground-breaking science results it has yielded from observations of the early universe, the formation and evolution of stars, and the study of exoplanet atmsopheres. Looking to the future, Mark will also give us a glimpse into two of NASA’s upcoming projects observing our universe. NASA’s next astrophysics flagship, the Roman Space Telescope, will study the nature of dark energy and the Habitable Worlds Observatory, a new mission concept that will propel forwards the search for life in the universe, while building on the technical achievements of the Roman and Webb telescopes.

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Event image via Pixabay

Price £ 7.90 - 21.44
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