Delivering purpose-driven government in the UK

Delivering purpose-driven government in the UK
18 September 2024 5:30 p.m.

">span> hosts a fascinating discussion about mission boards, public procurement and wealth funds.

The UK’s new government has set and adopted five missions. This policy shift presents both an unprecedented opportunity and a significant challenge: how to translate the promise and practice of mission-oriented government into effective action across the civil service, local authorities, and the broader public sector.

At this event, the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP) will be share insights gathered from its work with governments globally – from the European Commission and US Government to national and local governments in the UK. Drawing on global insights and our hands-on experience in our local Borough of Camden, IIPP and its guests will examine the policy tools, public institutions, and dynamic capabilities needed to ground Labour's mission-led vision in the day-to-day practice of government.

This timely event brings together policymakers, practitioners, and thought leaders to explore the practical realities of implementing missions in the UK. From setting up inter-departmental mission boards to redesigning mission-led-procurement-and-market-shaping-lessons-camden-council">span> and establishing mission-oriented-community-wealth-fund-camden-governing-finance-public-purpose,">span>, this session will investigate how to operationalise missions in the civil service. It will offer crucial insights into moving beyond traditional siloed policymaking towards a more dynamic, purposeful model of governance capable of delivering transformative change in line with the government’s mandate.

It will foreground three pivotal reports that offer crucial insights into mission-oriented approaches: "mission-oriented-industrial-strategy-global-insights,"">span>," "mission-led-procurement-and-market-shaping-lessons-camden-council,"">span>," and "mission-oriented-community-wealth-fund-camden-governing-finance-public-purpose."


About this event:

  • Date: Wednesday 18th September 2024 from 5:30-7:00pm (BST), followed by a drinks reception at 7:00pm
  • Where: University College London (UCL) and online on Zoom

Meet the panel:

A conversation between mariana-mazzucato,">span>, Founding Director of IIPP and author of Mission Economy, and a panel of “mission” practitioners including ?originalSubdomain=uk,">span>, Director of Strategy, Design and Insight at London Borough of Camden, Policy Associate at the Future Governance Forum (FGF) and Policy Fellow in the IIPP Policy Studio at the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP).

If you have any queries around access, please get in touch with a member of the team ([email protected]).



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