Angel Comedy Club is a comedy institution Time Out that puts on affordable, world-class shows every night of the week. What Affordable and Quality, in London Yep. Really We showcase …
Join Jamali Maddix for a night of razor-sharp wit and unfiltered humor, blending bold crowd work, fan-favorite material, and fresh new bits. Known for his fearless comedy and sharp observations, …
This is Angel Comedy RAW. The angel comedy new act, new material, night. Come watch some of the newest of new acts doing their best to become the stars of …
A cheeky little work in progress to help Alison figure out a show shes going to do next year. Come watch her sort through some bits, its like people watching …
Our beginners stand up course is for people who have never done stand up comedy, as well as people with a little bit of experience who want to sharpen up …
Join Ania Magliano and some of her nearest and dearest for some new material They will bumble their way through ideas, thoughts and maybe even some jokes but honestly the …
COMEDY Por Favor Stand Up Comedy in Spanish Comedy por favor es esto, un show de Stand Up Comedy en español para reírse en una ciudad donde hace falta, Londres …
Our original free shows return No tickets or reservations, turn up early to get a spot Award-winning comedy from a comedy institution Time Out, putting on free world-class shows every …