The Wild Woman´s Circle™ Hamburg

The Wild Woman´s Circle™ Hamburg
11 Mai 2024 19:00

This 3-hour evening workshop is an invitation for you to engage with yourself—with your living and feeling body.

Through relaxation exercises, movement, dance, and talk processes you can discover how you express yourself as a woman and experience a deepening of your relationship with yourself and those around you.

It is an invitation to bring forth your very natural expression of your sensual, untamed, instinctua,l and intuitive nature.

It is not about becoming someone else or adding another layer of „something“ more on top, the workshop is about dropping that and revealing our natural expression, free from expectations and needs.

The Wild Woman´s Evening consists of three components:

1. Embodiment: Relaxation and returning to feeling our bodies

2. Relational: Partnered exercises with movement and dialogue

3. Ritual: Partnered and alone, meaningful connection to self and others

During these components we:

- Relax with a group of women in a non-competitive environment

- Move our bodies

- Work with different expressions of ourselves

- Receive constructive feedback from well-intentioned women

- During the process, layers of stress, tension, and coping naturally drop

- We come back to feeling our body and its given source of pleasure, wisdom, intuition and power

The workshop language is English (however I do speak German if you need any clarifications).

Preis € 42,00
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