Kumbia Boruka Title: Kumbia Boruka: A Modern Revival of Traditional Cumbia
Kumbia Boruka is a lively, vigorous band renowned for its infectious world music approach to traditional cumbia – a popular music genre primarily associated with Latin America. Hailing from Lyon, France, this exuberant ensemble masterfully merges cumbia's roots with contemporary melodies, captivating audiences around the world with their delightful, energetic performances.
Founded in 2015 by Hernan Cortes, an experienced musician and former member of the emblematic band La Kinky Beat in Barcelona, Kumbia Boruka has rapidly carved out a unique space in the international music landscape. Hernan's vision was to pay homage to and invigorate the traditional sounds of Colombian cumbia, a genre he passionately admires.
Kumbia Boruka's vibrant reinterpretation of cumbia is characterized by a captivating combination of melodicas, brass, accordion, guitar, bass, and percussion, underpinned by a vibrant present-day rhythm section.
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