Chicken or the Egg?

Chicken or the Egg?
7 September 2024 11:30

In the "Chicken or the Egg?" project, Sebastian Junge explores the role of chickens in regenerative farming and cuisine. Collaborating with Gut Haidehof in Wedel, Junge addresses issues arising from the industrialization of poultry egg production, designing sustainable and ethically sound alternatives to hybrid hens and roosters, and the difference their gender makes in the expected culinary role for the animal.
During the preparation of chicken, eggs, and vegetables from Gut Haidehof, Sebastian Junge presents his visions. The discussion culminates in a shared lunch.

Sebastian Junge, head chef of the organic restaurant,">span>, advocates for change in agriculture and gastronomy. Actively engaged in sustainable and ethical aspects of culinary enjoyment, Junge's ideas and concepts for sustainable cuisine, hospitality, and business management manifest in Wolfs Junge. Drawing inspiration from his education, participation in the Slow Food Youth Academy, and internships on organic farms, bakeries, and butcher shops, his profound understanding of agriculture and production processes underpins his ambitious and sustainable cuisine, recognized with the Michelin Guide's "Green Star." Sebastian is Hamburg's first and only organic top chef, a member of the Slow Food Chefs Alliance, and a passionate advocate for a shift in culinary culture.

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