An diesem Abend wollen wir uns der Zukunft des Verbrennungsmotors widmen. Unter dem Titel Verbrenner Wende oder Ende - wie lange tanzen die Kolben noch wollen wir gemeinsam mit Ihnen …
As part of ,gtspangt, the Sustainable Finance in the Amazon Rainforest event will convene key stakeholders from Brazil and Germany to discuss the intersection of finance and environmental stewardship in …
this is about tears about laughter about joy and pain and numbness it is about being with each other in one of the many facets of this human experience this …
What is the value of nature The Amazon rainforest generates 20 billion tons of water vapor daily, along with 200 million liters of water per second flowing into the Atlantic …
Atomy Europe möchte Sie zu unserem zweiten One Day Seminar des Jahres einladen. Das Seminar wird am 17.09.2024 ab 1800 Uhr in Berlin stattfinden. Die One Day Seminare sind einer …
Dear Dance enthusiasts Bringing you an opportunity to spend some fun quality time with yourself andor to try something new. Join us for this Bollywood dance workshop, where through this …
GOSPEL WORKSHOP mit Hans Christian Jochimsen und Miriam Eisen 28. - 29. SEPTEMBER 2024 Berlin Singen ist gesund und macht glücklich Komm, erlebe es selbst - Du würdest gerne mit …
The Amazon shines in globalised discourses of all sorts from romanticised place of longing or haven for biodiversity and nature conservation, as a private investment opportunity for the bioeconomy or …
How to step into your authentic power by learning to thrive through the development of self confidence and self expression. Learning to Thrive is a series of Live In Conversation …
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