Through the use of gesture, color, line, text size, pacing, and hue, artists working with graphic narrative can amplify the meaning of a story in unexpected and powerful ways. In this presentation, Ken Krimstein explains graphic narrative by drawing on ideas about the function of story and form by figures such as Hannah Arendt, Ben Shahn, Robert Henri, and Werner Herzog, who coined the term “ecstatic truth”—a kind of truth attained solely through fabrication, imagination, and stylization. Krimstein offers examples of “ecstatic truth” in his own work and explores graphic narratives ranging from Ernie Bushmiller’s comic strip Nancy to Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis to the works of classic literature remade into comic books in the 1940s and ’50s in a series called Classics Illustrated.
An event by the American Academy in Berlin. Registration required. Livestream available.
Eröffnung Samstag, 1. März 2025, 18 Uhr Kuratorin Michaela Richter Die US-amerikanische Künstlerin Suzanne Lacy 1945 in WascoKalifornien gilt als Pionierin einer sozial engagierten Performancekunst Seit den 1970er Jahren erarbeitet …
Europäischer Monat der Fotografie auch 2025 in Berlin.Fotografie an rund 100 Orten wie Museen, Galerien, Botschaften, Fotoschulen und Projekträumen. Bei einigen der Eintritt frei und manches auch bei unseren Tagestips, …
Hans Zimmer Hans Zimmer is one of the most renowned composers in the world today. He has composed for some of the most recognizable movies and TV shows, including The …
Der König der Löwen Live in Concert Der König der Löwen Live in Concert is a truly magical experience that brings the beloved story of The Lion King to life …
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