UX-Testing at the Drivery (Ullsteinhaus) - September 2024

UX-Testing at the Drivery (Ullsteinhaus) - September 2024
26 September 2024

Come and join us @Drivery for our UX-Testing with pizza and drinks!

You will learn what products are to be launched soon in the market and meet interesting people with innovative mindsets. Our startups will show you their prototypes, and you get the chance to give them valuable feedback from a user perspective. All along, you can network in an inspiring crowd of participating teams, startup experts and guests.

Registration for all guests will be open until one day (14:00 h) before the event. And even if you haven’t registered as a guest, please just show up at the .


  • Welcome
  • Teaser">li>
  • Teaser Talks (60 secs per Startup)
  • Testing & Networking

How to participate for Startups

You are a a startup and you would like to test and validate your prototype, product, marketing campaign, app or website? Fill out the form for participation p2q4OdYp!


Please do so until September 6th, 2024 (noon).


Please note, that we are inviting you to the Drivery and that photos or videos will be taken during our events. By attending the event, you agree to a possible publication of those.

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