Join us for an evenings conversation on the creative AI practices, rituals, collectivism, tales and errors.
Urban Hosts is a programme of events, which provokes and promotes practices and approaches to how we live in and govern cities. Established in 2013, the programme has taken place in cities across Europe with its home base now in Bristol and Berlin. Bringing people together who are actively producing alternatives to how we currently live in cities the 2024 programme focuses on participatory and community-centred approaches to artificial intelligence, restorative cultures, liveable neighbourhoods and the urban commons.
In 2024 the programme moved to the Bezirkszentralbibliothek Pablo Neruda. The evening programme on Tue, 17th December will be the closing event for the year with conversations continuing to explore creative and collective practices at the intersection of AI and civic society.
Tuesday, 17th December 2024 18.00: Doors Open 18.30: Welcome 18.40: Speakers & Discussion 20.00: Mingle 20.30: Close
Urban Hosts is a free event that will be held in English. The event will take place on the ground floor, with flat and easy access for all abilities. Sessions are audio recorded for archive purposes, with some images taken for the same purpose. Consent forms are available on the day.
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