The Future of Work: A New Work Case Study

The Future of Work: A New Work Case Study

As a concept, New Work has been around since the 1970s when researchers used it to imagine work as a path to personal fulfillment instead of just a way to pay the bills. During the pandemic, New Work became a buzzword, as we bounced from hybrid to remote and back again.

With the pandemic in the rearview mirror, we’re asking: what’s new with New Work? 

Join us to explore how New Work concepts are being used to drive change today as we explore the Case Study of a recent project at the Hasso Plattner Institute with the team who saw it through! 

Our Speakers

">span> is a Strategic Project Manager at the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam, where she concentrates on implementing the institute's strategy while working closely with the management board and leadership team. Prior to this, she managed a community of 3,000+ tech professionals at Zalando, supporting internal innovation with the creation of hackathons and onboarding. 

">span> is the co-founder of ENABLIT GmbH, a new work inspired facilitation partner to help teams & leaders create a world of work they love. Before Enablit, he led various teams at Zalando, from operational to creative - but most often focusing on process optimization and people topics. 

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