Startup Matching - Interns, Employees and Co-Founders wanted!

Startup Matching - Interns, Employees and Co-Founders wanted!
17 Juli 2024

Startup Incubator Berlin and Ceamless Events are proud to present a curated special event to find your future co-founders or collaborators.

Join us in Berlin-Siemensstadt and take the next step in your startup journey. We look forward to seeing you there!

Quality Matchmaking Process:

Even though this event is free, registration and pre-selection are required to ensure quality matches. Limited seats are available for the co-founder matches, so make sure to apply in advance.

Apply now to secure your spot!


IMPORTANT: Registration with Eventbrite does NOT secure your attendance! You must complete the following registration forms no later than July 5th, 2024 to be pre-matched with suitable candidates.

For Startups - Looking for Talented Individuals (Employees/Interns/Co-Founders)



For Individuals - Looking to Join an Existing Startup




Selected participants will be notified at a later stage.

20 Innovative Startups

15 seeking interns, working students, and employees

5 on the lookout for co-founders

20 Talented Individuals

15 aspiring interns, working students, and employees

5 potential co-founders ready to take the plunge


15:00 - 16:50 h: Connect with startups for intern, working student and employee positions

17:00 - 18:30 h: Exclusive Co-Founder matching sessions


The Startup Incubator Berlin is located at the Berlin """>span>" Siemensstadt Square, just a few steps away from the U7 subway station Rohrdamm. Please make sure ahead of time (no later than 14:45 h) to allow for check-in and proceding to the event venue. You will be met by our staff at the Siemens reception gate:

Startup Incubator Berlin
Entrepreneurs Forum A32
Rohrdamm 88
13629 Berlin-Siemensstadt

A photo ID (passport, driver's license, etc.) is required for access to the Siemens factory premises.

Please note that photos or videos will be taken during our events. By attending the event, you agree to a possible publication of those.

Preis Frei
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