Plant Circle Specialty Plant and Accessory Pop-Up

Plant Circle Specialty Plant and Accessory Pop-Up

Welcome to the Plant Circle Rare + Specialty Plant Pop-Up!

Join us at Noah Living GmbH for a day filled with unique and exquisite plants. Whether you’re a seasoned plant parent or just beginning your collection, this event is perfect for all plant lovers. RSVP today, as space is limited and your ticket is completely free!

Explore a curated selection of specialty plants and accessories from top growers and brands, all in one convenient location. From vibrant succulents to lush tropicals, there’s something for everyone to fall in love with.

• Discover rare plants you won’t find anywhere else in Berlin.

• Chat with our team of plant experts, ready to answer all your questions about your current or future indoor jungle.

• Enjoy exclusive discounts available only to those who RSVP.

• Bring any recycled glass vessel, and we’ll fill it with greenery and soil at an affordable flat rate.

Don’t miss this chance to add some fresh greenery to your life and connect with fellow plant enthusiasts. We can’t wait to see you there!

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