Das Carillon, Europas größtes Glockenspiel, lädt zu Osterkonzerten. Traditionell am Ostersonntag und Ostermontag jeweils um 16 Uhr. Ostern gibt es Osterchoräle, Frühlingslieder von Mendelssohn und Mozart und Barock Musik von Bach, Händel, Rameau und Scarlatti. Die Konzerte finden im Park (Tiergarten) und bei jedem Wetter statt. Auch schön kombinierbar mit einem Spazigergang im Tiergarten. Eintritt frei. carillon-berlin.de
Ticketmaster Suite Ticketmaster Suite is an online event ticketing service that provides customers with easy access to some of the best events in the music industry. From concerts and festivals …
Ein Abend mit viel Abwechslung. Die tolle Band begleitet Ellen Esser, die eine gelungene Show auf die Bühne legt. Es geht um eine Zeitreise durch Berlin. Die ehemalige Schauspielerin erzählt …
Hans Zimmer Hans Zimmer is one of the most renowned composers in the world today. He has composed for some of the most recognizable movies and TV shows, including The …
Title Discovering Rock of Ages The Unforgettable Show of Rock Pop Certainly one of the most exciting music events in the contemporary rock era, the Rock of Ages show provides …
Sabrina Carpenter Sabrina Carpenter is quickly becoming one of the biggest names in the music industry. The 18-year-old singer-songwriter has already released two full-length albums, two EPs and several singles, …
Coco Clair Clair Coco Clair Clair is an up and coming indie-pop duo from London, England. They are composed of two members, Coco and Clair Clair, who are sisters and …
Ticketmaster Suite Ticketmaster Suite is an online event ticketing service that provides customers with easy access to some of the best events in the music industry. From concerts and festivals …
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