Live Food Innovation Tasting "Test ’n’ Taste" at KitchenTown Berlin

Live Food Innovation Tasting "Test ’n’ Taste" at KitchenTown Berlin
1 Oktober 2024

We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming Test'n'Taste event. This will be an in-person event, taking place at our facility in Berlin, near Alexanderplatz.

At the event, you'll have the unique opportunity to taste up to 12 innovative food products from emerging food start-ups. Your feedback is invaluable to these companies, and we'll be collecting it through a survey associated with each product.

To manage crowd size and ensure a comfortable experience for all, we're starting a new "tasting group" every 15 minutes. We've created specific tickets for each start time, so please register for the one that best fits your schedule. Your punctuality will contribute to a smooth and enjoyable event for everyone.

The event is centered around you tasting the products provided by the participating food start-ups and offering your honest feedback. This can be done via a QR code associated with each product. The survey will include questions about the texture, taste, appearance, and aroma of the products. To provide further valuable data for our start-ups, we've also prepared a brief demographic survey which you can complete before starting the tasting. All survey responses are anonymous and no data will be tracked or combined.

On the day of the event, six start-ups will be showcasing up to two products each, giving you the chance to taste up to 12 freshly developed food innovations. The majority of these products will be plant-based, some vegetarian, all aiming towards a more sustainable future.

We look forward to your active participation!

P.S.: We kindly ask that once you have registered for a time slot, please stick to it to avoid any last-minute cancellations. Your feedback is crucial for our start-ups, providing them with the opportunity to continually optimize their products.

Since our space will be quite crowded that day – if you can – we recommend not bringing any bigger backpacks etc.

Preis € 5,00
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