Hong Kong Making Waves_Time Still Turns the Pages

Hong Kong Making Waves_Time Still Turns the Pages
2023 | 95 | Hong Kong | Color | English Subtitle
Directed by: 卓亦謙 Nick CHEUKCasting: 盧鎮業 LO Chun Yip | 鄭中基 Ronald CHENG | 陳漢娜 Hanna CHAN | 韋羅莎 Rosa Maria VELASCO | 黃梓樂 Sean WONG


A schoolteacher re-lives painful childhood memories after discovering concerning information about an at-risk student.



High school teacher Cheng looks back to his repressed childhood memories, as he finds an anonymous suicide note in the classroom.

He strives hard to prevent another tragedy from happening, meanwhile facing a series of family problems, his wife is divorcing him, and his father is dying.


一封没署名的遗书、一群看似无恙的学生,让中学老师郑 Sir ( 卢镇业饰 ) 想起充满暴力与遗憾的童年往事。他亦面对 妻子 (陈汉娜饰) 离别、父亲 (郑中基饰) 病危,同时必须找出企图轻生的同学,阻止悲剧重现。

Preis € 2,00
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