Hong Kong Making Waves_The Lyricist Wannabe

Hong Kong Making Waves_The Lyricist Wannabe
2023 | 112 | Hong Kong | Color | English Subtitle
Directed by: 黄綺琳 Norris WONGCasting: 鍾雪瑩 CHUNG Suet Ying|葛民輝 Eric KOT|陳毅燊 Anson CHAN| 吳冰 Sabrina Ng|鄧麗英 TONG Lai Ying


A young girl gives her all to pursue her dream of becoming a lyricist for a decade, only to learn that her dream has been a lie all along.



Believing that writing Cantopop is her God-given talent, Law Wing- sze decides to make it her lifelong career. But as hard as Sze tries to polish her lyrics writing skills and expand her social circle, nothing seems to go her way.

What if there’s a will, but there’s no way? The first major motion picture about Cantopop lyrics writing. Norris Wong’s long-awaited follow-up to her acclaimed debut My Prince Edward is an unsentimental autobiographical dramedy that reminds us no dream is guaranteed to come true.

Ironically, the film’s star, up-and-coming actress Chung Suet-ying, is actually a real-life Cantopop lyricist.

「天生我材必有用」,罗颖诗误信师长的谗言,认定写歌词是她这辈子的使命,立志要当填词人!好事多磨,儘管阿诗扭尽六壬、奇招百出,一边增进填词功力、一边广结善缘,仍未能成功入行,做不成填词人,反沦为填词 L。

「只要有恆心,铁柱磨成针」,填词 L 揹着梦想的包袱在填满遗憾的道上狂奔!电影史上首部关于粤语歌词的作品,由新世代填词人兼金像奖新演员锺雪莹主演、新晋导演黄绮琳编导,继《金都》后又一清新细腻之作,不容错过。

Preis € 2,00
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