Grief + Gratitude: Evening of Connection @ Genezareth Church
-- in collaboration with Startbahn
👉🏽 Please E-MAIL me to register - as space is limited:
(note: the spelling of the email - is different from my name)
In this workshop we will come together as a community, thru exercises, thru movement, thru music and ceremony -- we will open a sacred space to honour the sorrows that we carry, both personally and collectively, and in doing so - deepen our gratitude for life.
** This workshop is relevant for ALL kinds of Grief and Sorrow - not only the grief that comes with death. There are many pains and shames and losses that we carry, from our personal lives and from the collective - that require unconditional acceptance, feeling and expression.
+ No prior experience necessary
+ Can be done in English or German
In the ever-growing field of self-development, spirituality and healing, there are many workshops and seminars focused on ‘ascent’: on positivity, expansion, self improvement, and higher states. What is often lacking in this marketplace are spaces of ‘descent’ - spaces in which to approach the darker elements of the human condition: the pain and shame and grief that all of us carry around. And there is a deep need for these neglected parts to be honoured, for our inner sorrows to find their voice and expression. There is a deep need for the shame and repression of our vulnerabilities to be lifted, and to be able to be together with and in our pain.
One of things I have learnt from Indigenous cultures - is the power and necessity of the Collective for holding and processing sorrow. Having one's personal pain witnessed and held by a caring community is an ancient and transformative human technology that has been forgotten by modern culture.
A special kind of magic that occurs when we come together as a group to hold and honour our pain and sorrow. And the more we can allow our griefs to flow freely though us, the more open we become to give and receive love.
Ev. Kirchengemeinde Genezareth
Herrfurthpl. 14, 12049 Berlin
Tuesday, 25. March
17:30 - Doors open for arrival
18:00 - Begin ** DOORS CLOSE: no entry after this**
22:30 - End, community chill, integration
This event is Donation-based: give what you can.
Suggested donation: Between 20, - 30, euro
(nach selbt-einschätzung)
☀ BRING with you:
- A small STONE or PEBBLE to give away for the ceremony (it should fit in your hand, and you wont get it back afterwards)
- Snacks or Drink , as needed
- photos / objects you want to place on the altar
- Comfortable clothes to move around in
- Paper and Pen to journal in
- An openness to hold space and stay until the end.
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