Fireside Chat - Empowering Female Entrepreneurship

Fireside Chat - Empowering Female Entrepreneurship
19 September 2024

Let's keep on breaking barriers!

Entrepreneurship itself is demanding for every founder, but being a female entrepreneur can pose you with even more challenges in an ecosystem that is still male-dominated (only around 17% of startups in Germany are female founded).

These challenges may include (we're aware of our own potential biases):

  • Unconscious or Gender Bias towards abilities as a founder
  • Access to funding
  • Lack of mentorship or role models
  • Bias towards (male) business presentation standards
  • Imposter syndrome
  • and more...

This Fireside Chat's expert panel talk is dedicated towards how to break these barriers and empower more female entrepreneurship.

The Speakers

  • ">span> - VC Investment Director @
  • li>
  • class="link sourcelink outlink" data-link="">span> - Co-founder and former chairwoman @
  • li>
  • class="link sourcelink outlink" data-link="">span> - Co-Founder @
  • li>
  • class="link sourcelink outlink" data-link="">span> - Founder and CEO @
  • li>
  • class="link sourcelink outlink" data-link="">span> - Angel Investor
  • 🎤 Moderation: ">span>
  • - Certified Business Coach, Serial Entrepreneur

What can I expect from a Fireside Chat?

You have a burning question for startup experts no one has answered yet?

We create a relaxed atmosphere where everyone is “gathering around the campfire” and may take part in the conversation by asking questions. More personal questions that go beyond the purely factual level are definitely allowed.

Of course, we'll also have free beer, drinks and snacks :)

We're looking forward to seeing you!

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About us

fireside-chat-by-reaktorberlin-tickets-810519795527?aff=oddtdtcreator">span> is a 6-month accelerator program for pre-seed startups based in Berlin. We’ll supercharge your know-how and support you in taking the next step. Our mission is to make you market and investor ready.


Stiftung Wirkungsanteil (Impact Shares Foundation) empowers early-stage and high-growth startups to make an impact by donating a small portion of their equity to a social cause. Further information: fireside-chat-by-reaktorberlin-tickets-810519795527?aff=oddtdtcreator">span> 💙

Preis € 7,57 - 13,96
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