Expressive Arts Workshop - Feeling the flow

Expressive Arts Workshop - Feeling the flow

We'd love to invite you to our campus at 42 Berlin to dive into the world of Expressive Arts. The workshop will take 60 - 90mins. We will experiment with different forms of art, depending on the topic it could be a combination of either painting, drawing, music making, writing or clay

The rules are simple: low skill high sensitivity. You will not be judged, you don't need to be experienced in making art to create beautiful pieces with us.

The topic of this session will be: Feeling the Flow

The workshop will be merely an introduction of what Expressive Arts can do we will explore different modalities of art making and end with something you will have created

You don’t need to prepare or bring anything. There are no skills required – be ready to play.

This will also be a chance for you to visit our 42 Berlin campus – you will get a chance to find out more about our Coding Spaceship and ways it supports different communities in the world of software engineering.

The event is FOR FREE. Everyone aged 18+ is welcome 🙂

Please note the workshop starts at 18:30 sharp. Pls be sure to arrive a few minutes beforehand. Late arrivals won’t be admitted.

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