Experimental Discussion - Sex Work - A job like any other?

Experimental Discussion - Sex Work - A job like any other?

My good friend Abbey, a former stripper and advocate for sex workers‘ rights, suggested organizing a discussion about sex work. Nervously but intrigued, I agreed and in almost no time we had a great panel together:

We were joined by Nadja Zillken, a sex worker rights activist and feminist, as well as by Harvey Rabbit, a trans filmmaker who does not shy away from sexual content, and has been outspoken about the rights of sex workers for as long as he can remember.

Nadja, Harvey and Abbey are tired of bad debates on this topic, so let’s see if we can have a deeper, more meaningful discussion with the help of the discussion experiment method.

Together with you, we want to explore whether – when we look past the taboo and stigma – sex work is just a job like any other, or if there are aspects that fundamentally set it apart from other kinds of work.

Please note: While we will be open for thinking very critically about sex work, we will conduct the discussion with respect for sex workers‘ perspectives and experiences. If you are firmly convinced that there can be no self-determined sex work and that sex work should not exist in the first place, this discussion is not for you.

Join our discussion!

This discussion is part of the event series “”.">span>”. It serves to test and further develop new, more fruitful and fun methods for group discussions.

Participation is free. You don’t need to prepare anything or have deep knowledge of the topic — just bring your curiosity and about two and a half hours of your time.

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