evolve Autumn Celebration

evolve Autumn Celebration
3 Oktober 2024

Dear evolve family,

As we transition from the vibrant energy of summer into the quieter, reflective months of autumn, we invite you to join us for a special day of connection, gratitude, and inner alignment. The autumn season calls us to harvest what we have sown, reflect on our growth journey, and gently let go of what no longer serves us. This gathering is designed to help you embrace the change and ground yourself in this beautiful time of year.


12:30 – 14:00 | Chakra Tuning & Voice Activation w/ Melina

Start the day by immersing yourself in a yoga asana sequence focused on the seven chakras – our energetic centers representing different levels of relationships and inner growth. By chanting the bija mantras (seed mantras) during the practice, we invite the powerful vibration of each chakra to help release blocked energies and deepen our connection to ourselves and others. Flow with your body and awaken your inner voice!

14:30 – 16:00 | Workshop “Harvesting & Letting Go” – Moving into Autumn Mindfully w/ Frankie

A thoughtful exploration of the themes of autumn: harvesting the fruits of our efforts, practicing gratitude, and learning to release. Join us in this workshop to reflect on the year’s journey and prepare for the next phase.

16:30 – 18:00 | Breathwork w/ Jeanie Jadias

Reconnect with the power of your breath in this transformative session. Breathwork will help you release stagnant energy, find clarity, and settle into the rhythm of the season.

18:00 – 19:00 | Dinner Break by evolve kitchen

Nourish your body with a delicious plant-based meal prepared with love by our evolve chefs. A perfect moment to relax, connect with others, and enjoy the cozy autumn vibe. (not included in the ticket price)

19:00 – 19:30 | Cacao Ceremony w/ Theresa

Open your heart and set your intentions for the evening with a sacred cacao ceremony. This traditional ritual, combined with a short meditation will guide us into the dance and set the tone for the rest of the evening. Let the magic of cacao deepen the sense of connection to yourself and the community.

19:30 – 20:15 | Warm Up & Contact Beyond Contact w/ Elias Doré

Arrive in your body and rediscover the joy of play and connection with others through this warm up session that touches on the principles of Contact Beyond Contact, fostering presence and embodiment.

20:15 – 22:15 | Ecstatic Dance w/ Elias Doré

Join the musical journey, riding the Ecstatic Dance waves and allowing your body to express and release whatever wants to be honoured in the moment.

22:15 – 22:45 | Sound Healing Closing Journey w/ Melanie

End the day in a deep state of relaxation with a soothing sound healing session. Let the vibrations guide you into a space of peace and integration, sealing in the day’s energy.

What to Bring:

  • Comfortable & warm clothing, warm socks
  • Yoga mat if you have
  • Journal & Pen for the workshop
  • A water bottle to stay hydrated
  • small change for dinner if you like

We can’t wait to celebrate with you and welcome this autumnal shift together.

With warmth,your evolve family & Elias Doré

Ticket Information:you can choose the whole day ticket or just the yoga / breathwork session / dance. If you spontaneously decide to stay longer you can just pay a little extra once you’re there.

  • low income earners: 35€
  • normal ticket: 45€
  • supporter ticket: 55€
  • only chakra tuning & voice activation: 13€
  • only breathwork: 15€
  • only dance: 20€

Preis € 13,00 - 55,00
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