Curtis on Tour Curtis on Tour is a traveling music ensemble that showcases the incredible talent of students and alumni from the renowned Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. This season, Curtis on Tour is bringing a special celebration of classical vocal music to audiences across the country. The performances will feature an array of stunning vocal repertoire, spanning from art songs to opera arias, and will be accompanied by acclaimed pianists and chamber musicians. Audiences can expect to be transported by the beauty and power of the human voice as the talented performers share their passion for classical vocal music. Whether you are a seasoned classical music aficionado or just beginning to explore the world of vocal music, Curtis on Tour's celebration promises to be an unforgettable and enriching experience.
In ihrer 20-minütigen stillen Performance mit Kleidern macht Birgit Szepanski auf die namenlosen Frauen aufmerksam, die in der Bordell-Baracke in der Königsheide Sex-Zwangsarbeit leisten mussten. Danach folgt ein Gespräch mit …
Through the use of gesture, color, line, text size, pacing, and hue, artists working with graphic narrative can amplify the meaning of a story in unexpected and powerful ways. In …
In der Auseinandersetzung mit der Wand werden eigene Designs auf einer Tapetenbahn kreiert. Hierbei kann gezeichnet, gemalt, geschnitten und geklebt werden. Zur Auswahl stehen Raufasertapete und Vliestapete. Mittels der Tracing-Technik …
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