Collective Strategies of Resilience and Resistance in the Performing Arts

Collective Strategies of Resilience and Resistance in the Performing Arts
12 Juli 2024

One year ago, the ITI annual conference was held under the title Conflict & Care: dispute as a part of transformation within the performing arts and its institutions. Today this topic has become even more charged and the potential for conflict has increased. This makes it even more necessary to stay in touch, come together, and hold conversations.

On 12 July 2024, the office of ITI Germany is very pleased to open its doors, and invites members, alumni and mentors of the ITI Academy, and friends to the Open Lab of the ITI Academy about Collective Strategies of Resilience and Resistance and their impact on the Performing Arts, followed by the ITI’s summery Get-Together in the afternoon.

We will give the floor to alumni of the ITI Academy, running three workshops in parallel, to investigate aspects of collective resilience in the Performing Arts from a transcultural, and activist perspective, and re-measure the terrain of (peaceful) resistance within the arts and its institutions, as well as in Civil Society – in their respective contexts: in Germany, in Europe, in Iran, and China. We will listen to stories of resistance, explore ideas, which could contribute to more justice, and look at forms of collective organisation, which are more resilient against repression, and restrictions on human rights.

In the afternoon we will engage in the lecture performance "The Journey of Becoming Barbaric Female Poets”, a work in progress into the transcultural project from Dora Yuemin Cheng, Sara Amini, and Jaber Ramezan who will come together for an artistic research process at the ITI throughout the week, followed by an open conversation about the project.

Afterwards, at the Get-Together, there will be the opportunity to meet the team of the ITI, learn about our different projects, have a consultation at the touring artists pop-up stand, socialize and (re-)connect over a cool summer drink, waffles, and snacks.

In the afternoon we will engage in the lecture performance "The Journey of Becoming Barbaric Female Poets”, a work in progress into the transcultural project from Dora Yuemin Cheng, Sara Amini, and Jaber Ramezan who will come together for an artistic research process at the ITI throughout the week, followed by an open conversation about the project.

Afterwards, at the Get-Together, there will be the opportunity to meet the team of the ITI, learn about our different projects, have a consultation at the touring artists pop-up stand, socialize and (re-)connect over a cool summer drink, waffles, and snacks.


10:00 – 10:30 Arrival & Welcome

10:30 – Beginning of the Workshops

Workshop I 10:30 – 14:00_Studio II

Collective resistance and resilience (Dora Cheng, Sara Amini & Jaber Ramezan)

The workshop will be conducted in English.

Workshop II 10:30 – 13:00_Mediathek

Care and collectivity in the performing arts (LIK_Nora Tormann & Lonnie Jasper)

The workshop will be conducted in German and/or English, depending on the participants’ needs. Please specify your preference when registering

Workshop III 10:30 – 13:00_E29_Project room

Theatre as institutional fabric & political responsibility of justice (BIPoC ensemble network; conceptualised and facilitated by Berfin Orman)

The workshop was conceived by Berfin Orman and is a co-operation with the BIPoC Ensemble Network. The workshop language will be German and, if necessary, English.

13:00/ 14:00 – 15:00 Individual Lunch Break

15:00 – 16:30_Mediathek

The Journey of Becoming Barbaric Female Poets (Work in progress title from the female collective resistance theatre project initiated by Dora Yuemin Cheng and Sara Amini in collaboration with Jaber Ramezan)

The lecture performance & the conversation will be held in English. Please get registered.

16:30 – 18:30_Office / Terrace

Get-Together and Open House

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