Civil Society Program Supporting Ministerial for Religious Freedom - Berlin

Civil Society Program Supporting Ministerial for Religious Freedom - Berlin
9 Oktober 2024

IRF Secretariat, Love Your Neighbor Community (LYNC), and the Templeton Religion Trust cordially invite you to participate in a daylong civil society program in Berlin, where the theme will be, “How Inclusive FoRB Can Preempt/Prevent Radicalization, Extremism, and Violence.” Admission is free.

[Please note this is not an invitation from the German government to the Ministerial Conference, which will take place on 10 October and is for government officials only. This civil society program will take place the day before the Ministerial.]

The purpose of this program: to bring majority world voices into the global conversation about FoRB via issues of concern to them. In this case: the need to combat rising extremism. Further, we will highlight inclusive approaches that have proven successful in the majority world, helping to preempt and prevent radicalization, extremism, and violence; and encourage governments to engage more cooperatively with the majority world to build religious freedom and social cohesion from the ground up.

Wednesday, October 9 · 9am - 9pm CES


9:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Opening Session

11:30 AM: Coffee Break

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM: Panel Discussions on FoRB & Security

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM: Lunch Program

1:30 PM - 3:30 PM: Panel Discussions on FoRB & Security

3:30 PM: Coffee Break

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM: Academic Discussion

5:00 PM - 5:45 PM: Open Mic - What needs to be done?

Preis Frei
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