Cacao Ceremony

Cacao Ceremony
9 Oktober 2024

What to expect in the event

We will begin our session with gentle breathwork to remove any physical, emotional or energetic blockages. Through intuitive movement, we will put our minds to rest and set the stage for an even deeper experience.

Following that, we'll explore the healing properties of cacao. We will use mantras and guided meditation to charge the medicinal potion with its transformative powers.

As we take our first sip, a journey inwards will unfold. By connecting to our capacity for trust and gratitude, we can then allow ourselves to go on a path of self-discovery. Let yourself be surprised by what unfolds.

This is not an event to stay in your mind. We will go deep, to the roots, supported by the grounding power of the earth, and connected to the bright energy from the sky.

About the facilitator

My name is Alex. I have 3+ years of experience of organizing mindfulness experiences in Berlin, with a focus on empowering my clients to follow their dreams, build nourishing relationships and enjoy here and now. I have been trained to work with modern transformational coaching techniques, and ancient shamanic tools, including shamanic journeys and wheel of four directions.

Benefits of cacao ceremony

Participants of previous ceremonies emphasised the following benefits:

  • Ability to work through traumas of the past
  • Learning how to connect to others in a deeper way
  • Obtaining actionable insights on how to follow their dreams

How to book

If you feel this is something for you, you can secure your spot now by booking your ticket here on eventbrite or on paypal as family&friends (@aleksanderpietrak). If you do pay through paypal, send me a WhatsApp message on +49 176 73937194.

Preis € 21,43
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