Bioeconomy in the Amazon Rainforest

Bioeconomy in the Amazon Rainforest

This event underscores the critical importance of the Amazon rainforest not only as a vital ecological treasure but also as a cornerstone for sustainable development. Our discussions will cover the opportunities and challenges within the Amazon bioeconomy, examining how investment flows, community empowerment, and market access can drive ecological and economic resilience. We will bring together speakers from various sectors, including representatives from the Brazilian government, financial institutions, NGOs, Amazonian entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts.

Participation is free.

Simultaneous interpretation Portuguese - English will be available.

About the Amazon Week 2024

The amazonweek.euis">span>is a series of multisectoral events on the sustainable development of the Amazon rainforest which seeks to facilitate discussions on forest conservation, climate protection, and socioeconomic development in the Amazon region.

Organized, in this second edition, by Brazilian embassies in Berlin, Brussels and Paris, along with the Brazilian mission to the European Union and other Amazonian countries embassies, the event counts on partnerships with public institutions, think tanks, NGOs, companies, consultancies, and academia.

The event schedule with all the events taking place in Berlin, Brussels, Paris and online from 16th to 27th September is available at



13:00 – Arrival of guests

13:30 – Welcome and Keynote

- The Amazon: Balancing Biodiversity and Economic Potential. Prof. Danilo Fernandes, Federal University of Pará, Brazil (UFPA)

- Leandro Pedron, Director of the Thematic Programs Department of the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (DEPTE/MCTI)

13:45 – Panel Discussion

Moderation: Prof. Danilo Fernandes, Federal University of Pará, Brazil (UFPA)

- Overview of the Amazonian bioeconomy ecosystem and investment flows. Janice Maciel, Certi Foundation (NGO)

- The perspective of bioeconomy ventures. Paulo Reis, Association of Amazon Socio-Bioeconomy Businesses (ASSOBIO)

- Braulina Baniwa, National Articulation of Indigenous Women

- Strengthening local communities through training and cooperation with private sector. Alexis Bastos, Rioterra Study Center (NGO)

- Ima Vieira, Zoobotanical Park Emilio Goeldi Pará Museum

- Pirarucu Management - Much more than the management of a species. Dr. Emiliano Esterci Ramalho, Scientific and Technical Director, Mamirauá Institute

- Luciana Villa Nova, Saberes Sociobio Projects

- Patrícia Cota Gomes, Institute of Forest and Agricultural Management and Certification (Imaflora)

- Dra. Maria Augusta, Brazilian National Laboratory of Biosciences (LNBio)

- Adevaldo Dias - Brazilian National Council of Extractive Populations (CNS) and Memorial Chico Mendes

- Access to the German market for Amazon bioeconomy products. Daniel Oppermann, Import Promotion Desk (BMZ)

- Actions of the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation for the Development of the Circular and Sustainable Bioeconomy, Bruno Nunes, Coordenador de Programas e Projetos em Bioeconomia (COBIO/MCTI) - TBC

15:30 – Coffee Break

16:00 – End of event

Preis Frei
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