Berlin: How to change careers with a "Bildungsgutschein"

Berlin: How to change careers with a "Bildungsgutschein"
3 Juli 2024 18:00

Itching for a career change in the world of tech but don't know where to start? Unemployed and thinking of using this as an opportunity for reskilling? 📚

If you have questions about how to use the Bildungsgutschein (educational voucher for reskilling which is supported by the German government) to jumpstart your new path, we've got you covered!

Kick off your week with some great insights and join us on Wednesday, July 3rd, from 6:00 pm CET at our brand-new CareerFoundry office at THE GATE to:

  • Get answers to your burning questions in an engaging Q&A and roundtable format
  • Discover tech career options and find your ideal path
  • Learn how to reskill with a "Bildungsgutschein" (educational voucher)
  • Network with like-minded individuals

The event will be conducted in an interactive roundtable format, during which you will have the opportunity to acquire comprehensive guidance regarding the application process for the "Bildungsgutschein" program and insights into identifying the most suitable tech career path for yourself.

📚 A little bit more about the Bildungsgutschein:

If you're unemployed or soon to be unemployed in Germany, you may qualify for a Bildungsgutschein. This educational voucher, issued by the German Employment Agency (Agentur für Arbeit or Job Center), covers program fees, allowing you to acquire new skills at no cost. The Bildungsgutschein aims to equip job seekers with sought-after skills to enhance employability. It's worth noting that you can continue to receive unemployment benefits while studying with a Bildungsgutschein. Please keep in mind that you're not eligible for the Bildungsgutschein if you're enrolled at a university in Germany and currently studying.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to take the first step towards your dream career in tech! The CareerFoundry team is looking forward to seeing you soon. 🚀

Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions!

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