Berlin by Foot: The Rise and Fall of the German Democratic Republic

Berlin by Foot: The Rise and Fall of the German Democratic Republic

“Risen from ruins,” the anthem starts, “and facing the future.” The German Democratic Republic was founded in 1949, and collapsed almost exactly 40 years later. East Germany left behind some amazing architecture, starting with the broad avenue once called Stalinallee. We will start at the spot where a bronze statue of Stalin stood — today, only Stalin’s ear remains.

On June 17, 1953, a workers’ uprising shook East Berlin. It started with a strike by construction workers on this avenue. The protests that brought down the regime in 1989 also took place here. After the wall fell, the neighborhood filled up with squats and antifascist activists, some of which remain. We will also visit the headquarters of the Stasi, which was stormed in 1990.

Our tour will be meeting at U-Bhf Strausberger Platz, outside the exit to Andreasstraße (in front of Andreasstraße 46). We will meet at 16:00 and leave by 16:10.

The tour will end two hours later at U-Bhf Magdalenenstraße. We will be taking two stops on the U5, which requires an AB ticket.

Suggested donation is 10 euros per person, but any contribution is appreciated and none is required. You can also pick up a signed copy of the new book "Revolutionary Berlin." If you have any questions, please send an e-mail: [email protected]

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