Jann Arden & Rick Mercer

Jann Arden and Rick Mercer are a unique music band comedy duo that brings together the worlds of music and comedy in a fun and entertaining way. Jann Arden is a Canadian singer-songwriter known for her soulful and heartfelt music, while Rick Mercer is a beloved Canadian comedian known for his sharp wit and hilarious antics.

When Jann Arden and Rick Mercer come together on stage, audiences can expect a night of laughter and great music. Jann's beautiful vocals and heartfelt lyrics combined with Rick's comedic timing and witty banter create a one-of-a-kind experience that is sure to leave the audience in stitches.

Whether you're a fan of Jann Arden's music, Rick Mercer's comedy, or just looking for a night of entertainment that combines both, Jann Arden & Rick Mercer is a must-see music band comedy duo. Be sure to catch them at their next live performance for a night of laughter, music, and unforgettable moments.

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Jann Arden & Rick Mercer