CHEW ON THIS #05: An in-person creativity game and networking event

CHEW ON THIS #05: An in-person creativity game and networking event
15 Mai 2024

(New to CHEW? Learn more about the )


So.. friends and network, Berlin, are you ready for CHEW Game number #5??

This time we are going to do a very interesting creative experiment that you don’t want to miss. Picture this: 50 people (+ our favourite AI’s) tackling a creative challenge together in CHEW’s unique creativity game!

🔭 Tuesday 15th Creative Challenge:

The world is hurtling into a new era and it’s to be expected that many new and interesting projects, products, services, and platforms will come to the market SOON - But the question is, what type of solutions do we actually want? What values should inspire the solutions being built for the future, especially in the 21st century? Bring your heart❤️ and your mind 🧠 and join us to chew on this highly relevant topic!

🀄️Game Objective: The purpose of the CHEW is to empower players to combine their minds, hearts, and creativity to radically explore new ideas.

‍👨‍🎤 What’s in it for you?: Practise being creative and connect with new people, knowledge, and opportunities.


That’s it! Join us for a fun and creative evening full of creativity, collaboration, problem-solving!

Game Details:

📅 When: Tuesday 15th of May

🕖 Start: The game starts at 19:00 sharp! Doors open at 18:30.

🌆 Where: Spiced Academy, Ritterstraße 12-14, 10969 Berlin

👩‍🎤🧑‍🎤👨‍🎤 Audience: +-50 professionals, founders, product people, designers, artists and other Berliners. ​

Chew on This organizes in-person creativity games and networking events in Berlin, with the dream of one day establishing Creativity as a sport.

To comply with GDPR and to create lasting memories we kindly ask for your consent to include you in event photos and videos. Let us know if you don’t consent or have any questions:) [email protected]

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Spiced Academy

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